Silver Price Forecast: This Suggests That Silver Will Soon Spike Significantly Higher

Silver Price Forecast 2017/2016 The silver price and the US Dollar/South African Rand exchange rate (USD/ZAR) have a very interesting relationship that goes back a long way. Basically, in the long run, the two move in opposite directions. When the USD/ZAR rate is moving up, then the silver price is moving down, and vice versa. Furthermore,…

Silver Price Forecast: The Interesting Relationship Between Silver Rallies and Interest Rates

It is not well known, that historically silver and interest rates have actually moved together (in the long-term). When interest rates are going up, then silver is going up. When interest rates are going down, silver is going down. In the short-term, interest rates and silver can diverge (like since about 2002 to now); however, this…

Silver Price Forecast 2015: Silver and Deflation

If you look at monetary history, then you will find that we have moved from periods where mostly real or tangible assets like gold and silver acted as monetary claims on goods and services in the economy, to today where mostly credit or debt claims (fiat currencies like the US dollar) act as monetary claims on goods and services. Therefore, we have moved from a real asset-based monetary system to a debt-based monetary system.